Paperwork Catch Up Group

Behind on your progress notes?
You're not alone.

Join the supportive community with other therapists just like you. 

Get Judgement-Free Support
Overcome Perfectionism
Learn to LOVE Your Paperwork

Do you have weeks (or even years) of notes to write?

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the growing mountain of paperwork?
  • Have no idea how to tackle it?
  • Worried you'll be found out (or even reported)?

Guess what...


You would be surprised at how many other therapists are in the same situation... and so ashamed to discuss it. 

That's why the Paperwork Catch Up Group exists.

A illustration of a whirlpool of documents and paperwork
Woman at her computer working

Introducing the
Paperwork Catch Up Group

This is a space where your fear and hesitation is met with 

This is a space where you can be honest about how far behind you are, without being judged.

Because everyone else in the group is behind, too!

This is a 14-week program where we help you create a realistic and individualized plan designed to keep you from getting overwhelmed. 

The Paperwork Catch Up Group Experience

The Catch Up Group is a virtual workgroup, but it's really so much more than that: it's a community. 

In this group, you WILL:
  • Finally be able to talk about how behind you are without being judged
  • Finally be able to find the support you’ve been wanting, without feeling shame
  • Finally be able to ask those questions without fear
When you join the group, you'll have access to the following resources:
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You'll get access to a private membership area to discuss plans, get feedback, share concerns and celebrate wins...all privately. 

This is NOT a Facebook group, so there is far less temptation to get distracted. 

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These are mini-trainings on a weekly topic that are recorded, so you can always watch it later.

There is a 14 week structure of walking you through various topics that help with making documentation more simple and efficient.

12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern

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These are accountability / support meetings where you can share your struggles, wins, and goals for the week.

These meetings focus on members interacting with one another and create a sense of community.

10am or 12pm Pacific
1pm or 3pm Eastern

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GND stands for Get Notes Done, and GND Days are large group coworking sessions open to all QA Prep customers.

These are full day sessions where we focus on getting things done.


Maelisa leaning back looking at the camera

I'm Dr. Maelisa McCaffrey,

and I’ve worked as a clinical supervisor, a program manager, and have invested in my own management training aside from my clinical training and teaching expertise.

I understand the nuances of managing people and caring for them, while also needing to consider your budget and practice reputation.

I also have ADHD and know what it’s like to be that clinician who can’t manage their time well and needs some extra help.

 Get on the Catch Up Group wait list!

The next Paperwork Catch Up Group will begin in February 2025.

Enter your info to be notified when enrollment opens in January.


What people are saying about The Catch Up Group:

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The program helped to transform my relationship with documentation.
The benefit was invaluable. Maelisa was a constant presence of support and encouragement.


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Stop trying to do this alone. There is power in community and in receiving help from an expert.


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I was hesitant to join this group because I could not imagine how it could possibly help me, but this program is the first thing that actually gave me hope that I could be successful in getting my notes done.


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This group was worth every penny!  It’s also great to be in a community of people experiencing similar struggles and discussing them vulnerably.

I absolutely felt supported and was able to develop both skills and confidence in my note writing.


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If you have ever wondered what FREEDOM feels like, I’d encourage you to enroll. [Maelisa] offers new ideas on how to get caught up and maintain progress while at the same time, being realistic and compassionate toward yourself. Everyone in the group is in the same boat, and whether you have 100 incomplete documents or a 1000, there really is no judgment.


In the Catch Up Group you'll find:

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You'll get access to templates and tools.

As we determine a realistic catch up plan, you’ll get weekly tips and encouragement.

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You'll have the support of dozens of colleagues who know exactly what you're going through. 

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If you show up every week and you're committed to getting work done,
you will make progress.

Photo of an older woman sitting at the computer looking happy

Imagine having a clear plan with goals you know you can accomplish.

Imagine seeing your workload shrink each month while still keeping up with everything else on your plate. This is the opportunity you need to turn things around and form long-lasting habits for success

If you've been waiting for someone to *kindly* push you to get this done once and for all, this program is a perfect fit.

Let's replace your overwhelm with relief.


Registration opens again in:









Join the Paperwork Catch Up Group!

You have two ways to pay so you can choose the right one for your budget.

4 Monthly Payments



  • 14 Week program
  • Weekly group sessions
  • Weekly group documentation Q&A
  • Pre-work and kickoff week
  • Weekly tips on notes and time management
  • Documentation resources, templates, and more
  • Two note review weeks, where Maelisa can give you feedback
  • Lifetime access to all GND (Get Notes Done) Days

Pay in Full



  • Save over 15% when paid in full!
  • 14 Week program 
  • Weekly group sessions
  • Weekly group documentation Q&A
  • Pre-work and kickoff week
  • Weekly tips on notes and time management
  • Documentation resources, templates, and more
  • Two note review weeks, where Maelisa can give you feedback
  • Lifetime access to all GND (Get Notes Done) Days

So what happens after I sign up?

Here's how we break things down...

We'll spend 14 weeks together. You'll have the time needed to meet your goals without it dominating your entire schedule.

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Week 0: Pre-work and kickoff

When you sign up, you'll immediately receive an assignment that will help you prepare for catching up. This way you know exactly what is needed and how to plan for your own success. The pre-work will help you:

  • Target a realistic workload

  • Identify how much time you spend on notes

  • Prepare your ideal schedule moving forward

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Weeks 1-14: Catch up on notes

This is where the magic happens... and where the work gets done! We'll spend 14 weeks together catching up on notes, improving our schedules & productivity, and providing one another support. And so you don’t get worn out, we have breaks built in!

The goal here is to plan for spending extra time so you get caught up but also to create a more realistic schedule for yourself so you stay caught up. 

Here's what we'll do each week:

  • Create your catch up plan

  • Learn time management strategies and evaluate your plan

  • Write your notes weekly

  • Check-in with the group weekly 

  • Receive weekly quick tips/lessons from Maelisa

  • Have the opportunity for Maelisa to review your notes

  • Enjoy weekly encouragement from Maelisa and your colleagues

Catch up on notes!!!

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GND (Get Notes Done) Days

We'll spend four days (six hours each) together in an online, live meeting to catch up on notes.

Using a Pomodoro style schedule, we'll set ourselves up for a productive day that will get you the results you need... fast

Plus, I'll be online that whole time in case you get stuck and need a question answered or just want a little encouragement. You are going to see massive results from this day, so we'll spend some time recapping our wins at the end.

Photo of a nervous looking woman in a striped shirt

Common Question:
I'm embarrassed to join the group.
How private is it?

This is one of the most common concerns for new group members!
So please know that you are not alone.

You are encouraged to share as much or as little as you’d like throughout the group. Some members have even signed up under an alias. However, their concerns have been removed 100% of the time in our group meetings!

Every member tends to start out feeling like their situation is unique or that no other therapist could possibly be as behind in notes as they are. However, the healing part of this group is just that! You are dealing with exactly the same fears, shame, and practical concerns as everyone else.

This is a group where you can truly say, “These are my people, and they get me!” (without feeling fear of being judged!)


Other common questions:

Will I REALLY be able to get all my paperwork done in that time?

That depends on how far behind you are in your notes and what your current schedule is like. 

Many members have found it helpful to join the Catch Up Group to establish an ongoing schedule and then join for a second round to finish out their catch up plan.

Can I change what meeting time / cohort I sign up for?

The most important part of the Catch Up Group is the camaraderie and support from your colleagues, so we request that you choose a meeting time you can commit to for the entire 14 weeks.

Click here for complete program terms.