Better, Faster Treatment Plans
May 07, 2018
Treatment plans are the number one thing people search on Google to find QA Prep! That tells me there are LOTS of questions from mental health therapists about this topic.
In this quick video I'm sharing with you one easy way you can improve the quality of your treatment plans while also saving yourself time.
Not too keen on watching a video? Then read the highlights below!
I'm not quite sure why treatment planning turned into something we have to do for paperwork's sake instead of something we do for a real purpose. But unfortunately, it did.
And I hope to change that with this tip: One easy way to make your treatment plans more meaningful to you and your clients is to write the treatment plan with the client in the room.
I know, I know... a lot of clinicians don't like to do this! They're worried that doing paperwork with a client will negatively impact the relationship and create a barrier. However, when done with care, it actually has a different impact.
Here are some benefits of writing treatment plans with clients:
You'll be able to use your client's own words to describe their concerns, needs and goals
You're able to receive immediate feedback on what they want out of therapy or how they view the counseling process
You can share with them what your involvement is in the therapeutic process
So, if you've never tried doing this before and treatment plans are a hassle for you, try it out!
Let us know what you think in the comments below.